
Ichigo In The Grand Line

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Ichigo In The Grand Line

Ichigo rubbed his head and woke up. "Man, that was a crazy night..." He then looked around, and saw a white expanse. "Don't tell me, we're doing this again..."

(A/N: You bet your sweet tuchus, we are.)

Suddenly, out of no where, a rip in the time-space continuum had appeared. Ichigo lampshaded, "Should I dare enter?" He decided to do so. Entering the rip, he went through what appeared to be a drug trip until eventually, he appeared in a bright sky.

"I hate my luck..." And with that, Ichigo fell all the way to a huge ship, landing on a patch of grass... somehow...

A dude in a straw hat came up to him. "HEY, GUYS!!  WE GOT A DUDE FROM THE SKY!!"

"Seriously?" questioned a long-nosed guy about the same age as the straw hat-wearing dude. "How many times has that happened to us?"

Ichigo got up. "Ow... Wait, where the hell am I?"

"You're on the world's most SUPER pirate ship, the Thousand Sunny!" exclaimed a big, burly cyborg.

Ichigo just paused for a second, before replying, "Wait, pirate ship?  What time period is this?" He then looked around, and saw that he was in an ocean of some sorts. "Wait, where the hell am I?"

"In the New World, buddy," answered the long-nosed guy.

Ichigo was lost. "Wait... what...?"

An orange haired chick popped up. "I think he's out of it, Usopp."

Ichigo spoke up. "Wait, you guys said you were pirates, right?"

"Yes," answered the straw hat-wearing dude.

Ichigo got up. "What year is this?"

The straw hat dude rubbed his head, "I couldn't really tell you..."

Ichigo realized something. "Wait... Pirates..." He saw a walking skeleton with an afro. "...skeletons..." He then claimed, "I'm in the f*cking past."

"Um, is he all right?" the skeleton with the afro inquired.

A woman in black hair and specs appeared. "I believe before we ask about him, we should introduce ourselves to him."

Ichigo propped up. "Oh, sorry... I'm Ichigo Kurosaki."

"Monkey D. Luffy," the dude named Luffy replied. "and I'm the man who will one day be King of the Pirates!"

Ichigo looked at him. "How old are you?"

Luffy thought for a little while, and answered, "19."

Ichigo then froze. "Wait, really?  I'm just 17."

The dude named Luffy replied, "Oh... Well that's crazy."

The orange haired chick replied, "I'm Nami, one of the only members with a smart head on this crew."

Ichigo replied, "Well alright, then." He then asked, "Say... You guys wouldn't be down for air hockey later, would you?"

"I'm game!" Luffy answered.

A dude with green hair had gotten down from the crow's nest. "So I heard some commotion going on in the deck." He then saw Ichigo. "Uh, who, or what, are you?"

Ichigo replied flatly, "Ichigo Kurosaki."

The green haired dude replied, "I'm Roronoa Zoro, the swordsman of the crew."

Ichigo commented, "Not to mention, you look like a first mate.  I dunno why, but you do."

"That's what everyone else says, apparently." Zoro responded.

"Is that so?" Ichigo asked.  He then looked around. "I gotta say, for a pirate ship, this feels more like a cruise ship than anything, which is a good thing."

"It does?" Luffy inquired. "Never thought of it that way."

The muscular blue-haired cyborg replied, "Of course it does!  Why, it's the most super ship I've ever built." He then turned to Ichigo. "By the way, the name's Franky!" He smiled.

Ichigo paused, "Woah..."

Franky stopped. "Uh, dude?  Are... you okay?"

"I'm fine," Ichigo replied, "but you sound exactly like my dad.  You even act like him a bit, too."

(A/N: For those of you unaware, Patrick Sietz voices both Isshin of Bleach and Franky of One Piece.  Thank you, and have a nice day.)

"Is that so?" Franky asked. "Is he as super as I am?"

"Actually, he's a total nutjob," Ichigo answered.

The long nose guy spoke up. "I'm Usopp, the great and powerful sniper!"

Ichigo replied, "Okay, unlike that Luffy guy, you actually looked ripped."

"Yeah, well," Usopp began, rubbing his nose with his finger. "spending two years on islands that are really giant man-eating plants will do that to ya."

"Wait, man-eating plants?" Ichigo repeated.

"It's insane in the New World." Luffy replied.

Ichigo rubbed his head. "What do you guys do for a living?  Survive?"

"Something like that," answered Nami.

Ichigo decided to head to what he thought was the men's quarters. "I... need to rest..." He scratched his head.

Although, the moment he got there...

"Uh... Why are you just standing there?" That had come from a sharply dressed blonde dude, who was sitting there, watching Ichigo uncomfortably.

Sweating, Ichigo spoke up. "I'm... sorry?  Who are you?"

With a puff from his cigarette, the blonde guy answered, "The name's Sanji. I'm the ship's cook."

Ichigo replied, "That's cool, I bet.  How long have you cooked, if I may ask?"

"Since I was a boy," Sanji said.

"Alright then." Ichigo responded. These guys are crazy, he thought.

This guy's nuts, thought Sanji.

After an uncomfortable silence, Luffy bursted in.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" he asked.

Ichigo spoke up, "Oh, this?  Nothing..."

Luffy replied, "Yeah... That's what bothers me.  There's nothing going on between you two but an akward silence." He turned to Sanji, "And could you make me food?  I'm hungry!"

"Yeah, yeah, keep yer shirt on." replied Sanji as he left for the kitchen.

"21," Luffy answered.

Ichigo was in disbelief. "Wait, so you mean to tell me that I'm younger than all of you?"

"Yeah," Luffy answered. "along with Chopper."

At this point, Ichigo was just mind numbed. "Let's just... talk... about something else, alright?"

"Okay, dude." Luffy complied with a shrug.

"So..." Ichigo began asking, "what kind of things do you like to do?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Luffy answered.

Ichigo then said, "Well what would that be, then?"

Luffy listed them off: "Eating, fighting, and sleeping."

Ichigo looked at him funny. "Is that... all...?"

Suddenly, the ship shook. Ichigo immediately tensed up. "Shit.  We have to talk later." He got up, and saw a huge, freakish sea monster thing. "Okay... What the hell is that?"

"That's a Sea King," answered Luffy.

"Yeah... not exactly a big deal..." Sanji said, in a stance.

Ichigo spoke up. "I got this." He grabbed his Combat Pass, and got into his Soul Reaper garb. "So... let's do this."

However, everyone could see him.  Luffy, with sparkles in his eyes, said, "THAT'S SO COOL~!"

"HOLY CRAP, HE'S A GHOST!!!" Usopp screamed.

"More importantly," Zoro said, "he's got a blade on him." Notioning to Ichigo's huge blade, he sadisticly smiled. "Looks like fun..."

Ichigo ran towards the huge monster. "Getsuga..." He drew his blade back. "TENSHO!" He sliced and unleashed a sword beam that absolutely shredded the Sea King into pieces. "Well.  That takes care of that."

The lady in black hair applauded. "Marvelous job."

Ichigo headed back to the crew. "Thanks... you-"

"Nico Robin." The woman replied.

Ichigo shook her hand. "That's a good name."

"Thank you," Robin smiled.

"More importantly," Luffy chimed in. "NOW WE CAN EAT!!!! IT'S SEA KING MEAT FOR LUNCH!!!"

"YOU'RE ACTUALLY GONNA EAT THAT?!" Ichigo questioned with a comically shocked expression. "ARE YOU FOR REAL?!?!"

Sanji walked up. "I'm ashamed, dude.  You don't know the skills of my cooking." He then took a great leap. "Skywalk!" He then mid jumped in the air and, using two nets made by Usopp, gathered up all the meat in midair.  He then promptly made it back. "Sea King poboys will be ready momentarily." He then entered the kitchen.

"Also more importantly," Zoro walked up to Ichigo, "you've got quite the skills with that blade of yours.  Now... I've got this goal of mine to be the greatest swordsman alive," he reached for Shusui, "and considering how you handled the Sea King-"

Nami punched Zoro in the head, "NOT NOW, DUMBASS!!  HE JUST GOT OUR MEAL, DAMMIT!!"

Ichigo had a huge sweatdrop. "Okay... remind me to not piss her off."

"Okay," Luffy said. "don't piss her off."

Zoro rubbed his head. "Ow..." Being intimidated by Nami's fury, he said, "Yes, ma'am..."

Usopp spoke up. "Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed, but we rarely have a calm day here."

"Especially since we've entered the New World," Robin added.

Ichigo spoke up. "You guys keep on talking about the Grand Line and New World. So where the hell am I?"

Usopp began explaining. "Well..." he noticed Ichigo's motionless body. "Okay, how are you there..." he then pointed to Ichigo, "and there at the same time?"

"I'm a Soul Reaper," Ichigo answered. "well, Substitute Soul Reaper, to be exact."

"I'll tell you what you are," Luffy said, "you're good at your job."

"Thanks," replied Ichigo.

"The marines and other pirates," Luffy answered.

Ichigo paused for a while, then said, "I'm going to get some fresh air now." He left to go and do just that.

Zoro decided to follow.  Meeting up with Ichigo, he said, "Nice view, right?"

Ichigo looked at Zoro and then back at the great view. "Yeah," he answered.

Zoro got up to the hand rail. "Tell me, Ichigo," he said, "what exactly do you fight for?"

"Hm?" Ichigo hummed.

"It's a simple question," Zoro said. "what do you fight for?"

Ichigo thought about it, and said, "Well... I think I fight to protect those I care about."

"Understandable," Zoro replied, "I've done the same."

"Really?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah," Zoro answered.

Ichigo leaned back and saw the crew members cause a racket. "They need you, ya know," he said.

"Tell me something I don't already know," replied Zoro.

Ichigo sighed, "We gotta stick together, you know.  From what I can tell, this New World is a dangerous place indeed.  So we can't slip up."

Zoro solemnly nodded. "You know, it's weird that of all the people you connected to, you connected to me first.  Why is that?"

"Maybe it's because you're also a swordsman," Ichigo answered.

Zoro nodded slightly, "That could be it, but honestly, it's more that you remind me of how I was 4 years ago." He shook his head. "Here I am, just rambling right now..."

Ichigo was silent.

Robin then appeared, walking towards them. "Looks like the Soul Reaper has taken a liking to you, swordsman."

Ichigo replied, "You could say that." He then leaned on the guard rail and sighed, "It's peaceful up here.  I like it."

"Don't get too used to it," Zoro said.

Zoro then yawned and said, "Man, I'm tired..."

Luffy was causing a commotion below. "HEY, GUYS!!  FOOD'S DONE!!"

Ichigo remembered, "Oh, yeah... That cook made Sea King poboys..."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sanji was busy grilling all the diced up Sea King meat on the stove. "Dammit, I've got a lot..." he said.

"Sanji, where's the food?!" Luffy questioned. "I'm starving!"


"But, I suck at cooking..." Luffy replied.

"THEN, SHUT UP!!!" Sanji yelled.

Robin came in. "Chef, if you'd be so kind as to keep up the pace of your cooking..."

"Of course, Robin, my love~!" Sanji replied, speeding up his pace.

Luffy turned to Robin, "Thank you for that, Robin."

"Anytime, captain." Robin replied.  And with that, they both left the kitchen.

Gotta concentrate, man... Sanji thought to himself. Mustn't keep letting others distract me.  'Cause, you know, that would be a bad zone of danger... Sanji chuckled at the thought. Heh... Danger Zone...

(A/N: Yes, that is an Archer reference.)

Finally, he finished. "Ah... C'est magnifique!" He then brought the meat, veggies and bread of the poboys to the table. "I present to you guys Sea King Poboys!"

Luffy licked his lips. "Looks delicious~!"

"Wow...!" Ichigo whispered in awe.

Sanji exclaimed, "Well, dig in~!"

It only too half a second for Luffy to start wolfing down nearly all of the food.

Amazingly, though, Ichigo was the first one to hold him back.

"Wait, what?" Luffy said, held back.

Struggling, Ichigo replied, "So, you guys just enjoy yourselves, alright?"

"Uh, okay," answered Usopp.

And so, the rest of the crew enjoyed the meal present before them.

Robin remarked, "This meal is truly exquisite..."

Franky said, "I think you mean SUPER!!"

Luffy was in pain. "AW, COME ON!!  I NEED MEAT!!"

"Calm down..." Ichigo replied. "It's not that big of a deal.  You'll eat after everyone else had some."

Luffy pouted at Ichigo.

Ichigo spoke up. "Honestly, I don't know why you like eating so much."

"That's just how he is," Nami said.

Ichigo had a huge sweatdrop. "Nevermind..."

Zoro spoke up, "Would you like it if we saved you some, Kurosaki?"

"Sure," Ichigo answered.

Eventually, dinner was finished, and so, everyone started going to bed.  How ever, a reindeer-manboy began walking up to Ichigo. "Uh, you're Ichigo, right?" he asked.

The moment Ichigo looked down at him...

"You're... a raindeer... manboy..." Ichigo replied, confusedly. "Uh... who are you?"

"I'm Chopper!" the reindeer answered. "And I'm the ship's doctor!"

Ichigo thought for a little while, then replied, "It's important to be a doctor, don't you know?  Fron where I come from, I live in a family clinic."

"You do?" Chopper inquired.

"Oh yeah," Ichogo replied, "and it's ran by my dad, who's kinda crazy."

"How crazy are we talking?" Chopper asked.

"Kinda like your friend, Franky." Ichigo replied. "He even has the same voice.  Go figure."

"Small world," added Chopper.

"I guess it is..." replied Ichigo. "You know Zoro?"

"Yeah, I do," Chopper answered with a nod.

"He said that I remind him of himself from 4 years ago." Ichigo claimed.

"Really?" Chopper blinked.

Ichigo nodded. "Apparently, I'm a lot like him."

"Ah." said Chopper.

Ichigo then looked at Chopper. "Keep up your profession, alright?  You'll be an expert doctor in no time."

"Saying that doesn't make me happy at all, you big dummy~!" Chopper said, doing his happy dance.

Ichigo smiled. "I could get used to you guys..."

(A/N: Get used to their crazy antics, dude. ^^)

The next morning...

Ichigo was sleeping in the Men's Quarters, when Franky woke up. "GOOD MORNING, ICHIGO!!"

Ichigo gasped, dreading what the cyborg was about to do.

Franky looked at Ichigo. "Uh, are you alright?  You're acting like I'm about to hit you."

Ichigo got up, and relaxed. "I'm sorry, but everytime my father says the same thing, I have to dodge whatever attack he's gonna send towards me."

Franky replied, "Wait, what would have given you that impression?"

Just then, Sanji kicked Luffy out of bed. "RISE AND SHINE, MORON!!" He yelled.

"That." Ichigo answered, pointing at Luffy and Sanji.

Luffy rubbed his head. "Ow..."

Franky spoke up. "Well... it's kinda hard to argue with that logic..."

"Exactly," Ichigo concurred.

"Oh, good morning, Ichigo," greeted Sanji.

"Hey, Ichigo!" Luffy said.

Ichigo replied, "Hi..."

Luffy stopped. "What's up with you?"

Ichigo paused, then said, "Déjà vu..."

Luffy blinked in curiosity. "Déjà vu?" he repeated.

Ichigo replied, "This is just like my house, except instead of four people, it's 9, and for the man of the place," he pointed to Franky, "instead of hitting me, he's reasonable with me."  He then pointed to Zoro, who was still sleeping, "And I swear I'm getting some 'big bro' vibes out of him, even though I'm the oldest child of my family." He then pointed to Luffy, "Hell, I'm getting big bro vibes out of you as well!"

"Weird, isn't it?" Luffy inquired.

"It IS weird!" Ichigo exclaimed.

"So..." Sanji spoke up; "does that mean you feel at home here?"

"...Yes." Ichigo answered.

Beaming, Luffy said, "WELCOME HOME, THEN!!" And with that, he squeezed Ichigo in a hug.

"Can't...breathe...!" the Soul Reaper choked.

"Oh, sorry..." Luffy let go of Ichigo.  "I can get carried away..."

Ichigo gasped for air.

"That's okay..." he said.

Sanji spoke up. "So.  What are we going to do today?"

"The usual," Usopp answered.

Ichigo sighed, "You guys are unpredictable..."

"Understatement of the millennium," Sanji remarked.

Franky spoke up, "Well, Ichigo, you're just going to need to get used to it."

"Yup!" Luffy added in agreement.

Ichigo got up. "Well we're bound to get a new opponent sooner or later, so stay sharp."  With that, he headed outside, only to meet Nami.

"Oh, hey, Nami." he greeted.

Nami replied, "Oh, hey, Ichigo.  What brings you up so early?"

"Franky sort of woke me up," Ichigo answered, rubbing the back of his neck.

Nami spoke up, "Okay, you're acting like you feel at home, even though you've never met us before.  Hell, Franky reminds you of your own dad."

Ichigo spoke up, "You remind me of someone as well."

"Who would that be?" Nami asked, suddenly curious.

Ichigo replied, "One off my friends Rukia."

"What's she like?" Nami asked.

Ichigo put his fist on his chin, and explained, "Well, how do I explain it?  Both you and her are both really trustworthy women to hang with, and both of you have a low tolerance for people acting annoying."

Nami smirked at this. "Is that right?" she inquired.

Ichigo also smirked, "Yeah."

"That's good to hear." Nami said.

"Eh," Nami shrugged. "it's fine."

"Agreed." Ichigo concurred. "At least we have orange hair, right?"

"Right." Nami said.

"Anyways," Ichigo spoke up, "What would you like me to do, Nami?"

"Nothing, yet," Nami answered.

Ichigo said, "Wait, what do you mean by 'yet'?"

Just then, Zoro called from be crow's nest, "Uh, guys?  I see a Marine ship dead ahead:"

Nami replied, "Oh, look, your services are needed."

Ichigo pushed his Combat Pass, and changed into Soul Reaper form. "Alright, let's do this thing."

Zoro dropped from above, smiling sadisticly, "Didn't think we were going to have any fun this morning."

"...Looking scary there, Zoro," said Ichigo.

Nami replied, "Don't mind him.  He usually get's excited whenever he gets to fight someone."

Ichigo sighed, wielding Zangetsu. "Well, at least one of us is gonna enjoy this."

As if on cue, Luffy barged from the men's quarters, totally hyped, "AWRIGHT~!!"

Ichigo sweatdropped, "...Make that two of us."

"LET'S ROCK!!!" exclaimed Luffy taking a fighting stance.

Ichigo took a stance. "The Marines should show up any minute now..."

Lo and behold, a Marine fleet had arrived.

A rather scrawny captain appeared. "Um..." He trembled.

"Hm?" Ichigo hummed.

"Outta the way!" A familiar gruff voice said. With the captain moving out of the way, Kenpachi appeared, in Vice Admiral clothes. "You're useless." He said.

Ichigo exclaimed, "Kenpachi?!  What are you doing here?!"

Zoro grinned wildly, "That explains why I'm more excited than usual...

"Huh? Kurosaki?" Kenpachi questioned.

Ichigo sighed, "Nevermnd... It's that whole White Void thing..."

Kenpachi then noticed Zoro, and grinned sadistically, "It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

Zoro, also grinning madly, replied, "You could say that." He put Shusui in his mouth.

Ichigo looked at Zoro, then at Kenpachi. "Wait, you two know each other?"

"We go a long way back," answered Kenpachi.

Zoro replied, "Yeah... As in, some White Void kinda far back."

Ichigo was suddenly alert, "Wait, White Void?"

"Yeah," Kenpachi answered.

Ichigo then said, "So... How would you guys say we can get out?"

"Dunno," Zoro answered.

Ichigo then asked, "Don't, or won't?"

"The former," Zoro responded.

Ichigo sighed. "Just fight each other while I figure things out."

"You don't have to tell us twice!" Kenpachi shouted as he and Zoro clashed blades.

Robin walked up to Ichigo. "So... If you'd be so kind as to describe the White void, Kurosaki, I think I might find a way to get you," she pointed to Kenpachi, "and him back to your original world."

"It's exactly what it sounds like." Ichigo explained.

Robin then said, "Well I see that being blunt is more your style.  Care to explain how exactly you got there, though?

"After I went through the White Void, I fell from the sky and landed on your ship." Ichigo answered.

Robin then said, "Now we're getting somewhere." She then asked, "Did you, per chance, see a rip in said White Void?"

"Kind of," Ichigo replied. "why?"

Robin replied, "We're nearing a section of the New World that's famous for its time/space rending fabric tears."

"What's it called?" Ichigo asked.

Sanji walked up. "Apparently, it's called Rip Trap Island."

"Rip Trap Island?" Ichigo repeated.

Sanji replied, "AKA: The Danger Zone."

Blocking a sword strike, Zoro sighed, "Really, Eyebrows?  Really?"

"YES, REALLY!!!" Sanji yelled.

(A/N: Wow, two Archer references in one One Piece/Bleach fanfic?  What kind of witch craft is this?)

Luffy called to his crew, "MAKE WAY FOR THE DANGER ZONE!!"

Zoro heaved an exasperated sigh.

Kenpachi perked up. "Wait, I'm getting out of this crazy world?"

"You and me both," Ichigo replied, "why do you ask?"

Franky got behind the wheel. "Alright, LET'S DO THIS!!"

And thus, it began, when Ichigo slashed at a Marine who had the balls to come aboard the Thousand Sunny. "I forgot... this is an ambush..."

So with resumed fighting,  the rest of the Straw Hats continued fighting off the rest of the marines.  Well, not so much fight, but rather, dominate.

Luffy asked the question, "Does anyone else feel like they're ripped off for some reason?"

Everyone else, sans Zoro, replied, "Yeah, pretty much."

"I know I feel ripped off." added Usopp.

"Me, too." agreed Chopper.

Zoro, however was less (more?) fortunate. "Sucks to be you guys," he said, blocking a strike from Kenpachi, "I hit the jackpot."

"So did I!" concurred Kenpachi.

As the two traded blows, Ichigo couldn't help but think, Okay... Best to not get in the way of their little match there...

"Hey, Ichigo!" Luffy called.

Ichigo turn to see Luffy. "I'm kinda busy watching a fierce match here, so make it quick."

"We're fighting the marines, so now's not the time to be standing around watching a fight!" Luffy replied.

Ichigo replied, "Do you just eat, sleep and fight all the time?"

Pausing, Luffy replied, "...Do you not?"

"...Never mind." Ichigo replied.

Zoro piped up, "You know, I'm really getting sick of all these Archer references!"

Sanji flared back, "WELL TOO BAD, MOSSHEAD!!"

"Enough talk!" shouted Kenpachi. "Let's fight!"

Zoro sighed. "You're right, enough talk."

So, he and Kenpachi continued their fight until finally, Nami shouted out, "LAND!" She pointed to the strange island that lay ahead. Everyone else looked at where she was pointing and they saw it, as well.

Franky was the first one to speak. "Is it just me, or is that place... twisted?"

"You're right." Sanji agreed.

The sand of the island they were going to was black sand, which was likely due to the obsidian caused by the volcano in the center.

"This place looks cool~!" Luffy said.

Franky whistled in amazement.

Robin spoke up. "This place would make the perfect summer home."

Nami, of course, recoiled. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nami, this is Robin we're talking about," Franky said.

Nami looked at Robin and sighed, "Come on..."

Robin smiled.

Ichigo asked, "So that's where I might get back to my world?"

"It looks like it," Robin surmised.

Usopp backed away. "Not to be a mood killer, but how are we sure this will work?"

"He's got a point," Brook piped up.

Robin countered, "Well then again, compared to the other marvels in the Grand Line, this is fairly straight forward."

"That is true," Brook concurred.

Usopp looked at them and replied, "Dammit... you have a good point..."

"To the island!" Luffy declared. "Full speed ahead!"

"Coup de..." Franky started, before pushing the button, "BURST!!" With that, they had blasted off to the island, a sensation that Ichigo hadn't felt in a long while.


"HA HA HA HA HA HA~!!!!" Luffy laughed.

Ichigo started to get annoyed. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!"

Luffy pointed to a Marine. "HIS SHIRT~!!"

The Marine mook replied in angrish, "OUGHHH!!!"

"...Really?" Ichigo asked.

Zoro put his hand on Ichigo's shoulder. "Just let it go, man." He said, sighing.

Ichigo also sighed. "Fine..."


Chopper walked up to Ichigo. "Ichigo, I was wondering if I could run some tests with you."

"Uh, sure," Ichigo complied. "why?"

Chopper replied, "Just want to make sure you're healthy."

"Oh. Right." Ichigo said.

Before they could do that, though, the ship finally docked at Riptear Island, or the Danger Zone.

"Ugh..." Zoro said in annoyance. "Son of a bitch..."

"I heard that, Mosshead." Sanji replied.

"Kiss my ass, cook." said Zoro.

Sanji flared, "You wanna go, Mosshead!?"

"Bring it on, dartboard brow!" Zoro yelled.

"KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Nami shouted, conking both swordsman and cook on the head.

Luffy watched that happen. "Oww..."

She's scary...! Ichigo thought.

Zoro rubbed his head. "Yes ma'am..."

"Good." said Nami.

Ichigo dropped onto the island. "I'm off.  I got a home to go back to now."

"See ya, Ichigo!" Luffy called.

"WAIT FOR ME!!" Kenpachi landed on the island, shaking the ground around him.

"OH, JEEZ!!!" Ichigo exclaimed. "DUDE, WHAT THE HELL?!"

Kenpachi replied, "Do you want out of here or not?"

"Yes..." Ichigo answered.

"Then, quit your bitchin'!" Kenpachi snapped.

Ichigo sighed. "It's just... remember the last time we saw the White Void?  Yeah, we were fighting Nazis."

"Good times..." said Kenpachi with a grin.

Ichigo sighed. "Well, a tear should appear right about now."

Speak of the devil, a tear appeared before them.

"We're going in." Said Ichigo.  And with that, they rushed in, and returned to the White Void. "Okay... now what?" Asked Ichigo.

"Wait until the void sends us back home," answered Kenpachi.

And so, they waited.  And waited.  And waited.

"...How long is this gonna take?!" Ichigo questioned.

Kenpachi replied, "Well... that depends on how long it wants to take.  This place is sentient, you know."

Ichigo opened his mouth to speak, but then paused. "Wait... that actually does make sense..."

"In the mean time," Kenpachi brought out his Zanpakuto, "how about you and I have a throwdown?"

"Oh, dear god, no..." Ichigo muttered in dread.

Fortunately at that moment, another tear appeared.

"Thank God..." Ichigo muttered.

"Damn..."  Kenpachi cursed.

And so, they dashed forth, and found themselves in the Karakura Town park.

"Finally..." said Ichigo.

Kenpachi told Ichigo, "Well, I'd best be off." And with that, Kenpachi kinda wondered off.

"High time I went back home." Ichigo said. "Yuzu and Karin are probably wondering where I am."

And so, Ichigo walked to his home, expecting the end to this crazy day.  However , when he reached the door, he heard familiar laughter.

"No... it couldn't be..."

Ichigo rushed inside to see father, his sisters Yuzu and Karin, and the one guy he didn't expect to see again: "Luffy?!" He shouted.

Luffy turned to greet Ichigo, and smiled. "Hi, Ichigo!"

To Be Continued...
:iconmoonlitinuyasha1985: and mine have joined forces once again to bring you guys an awesome, kickass masterpiece.

God DAMN did this take so long to convert to reading format. I hope to God that you guys enjoy this.

P.S. Ryuko Time is still going on.
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moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar